Friday, 9 May 2008

Thank God the week's ended

It's been such a dreary week....

..... never been so happy to see a Friday.

So many issues since monday

Car matters
Issues at work
Sibling issues
Too many bits and pieces hanging loose

Off to Abuja on Sunday for a week


But at least i'd not be in this stress hole for a while

Quite relieved i tell you....

Have a sweet weekend **muah**


Anonymous said...

love the text arrangement, it made your issues beautiful to read,hope it makes since.

NikkiSab said...

Hmm.... trouble and worries can creep in all at d same time and u feel like pulling ur hair lol!! Sorry u hear, try to relax in abj, go to dat Ice cream joint em... near NNPC ohh...i forgotten d name but i cant forget d taste. DELICIOUS!!! treat urself to it.

I tagged u, so u gotta tell us ur quirks.

Fluffycutething said...

@Sprezatura- Thanks for stopping by **muah**

@Nikki-i'll look out for that joint... thanks, will do the thingi asapok **muah**

Afrobabe said...

so u back to lag now???

couldn't even send u for kilishi as this stupid custom ppl will seize it...

Did you send me a lunch box???????????


 Happy new year! So many cobwebs here