Monday, 14 July 2008

Random ish....

i resumed back at work today...

I'm so NOT excited to be here!!!

Wish i could go back to my lazing around all day and then running helter skelter at 6pm to make dinner for "you know who"

Gosh, I am so NOT an organised woman LOL

It was 20 days of bliss, just living the life doing absolutely NOTHING ;)

So .....

I went off and got married!!!!!!

Still quite excited about the whole deal.

It's not quite the bed of roses we all dream up in our heads, but not that bad either

I live just a stone's throw from my home... ooops sorry former home so i don't feel totally yanked off my "regular" life.

I miss my doggie to pieces though :( I couldn't take him along, Mr. isn't a big fan of dogs, besides our landlord says NO PETS- chickens, goats, dogs etc, but he can have political meetings in the compound like 5 times in one week, including Sunday mornings!!!! Loud hiss. (Ask me if na me get the house oh?)

My room's still the usual mess and husband is threatening to pack out to another room LOL

My mum still does all the food shopping- meat, pepper, fish etc so i don't have to really do market runs. I find markets in Lagos so traumatising. All that pricing and haggling for deals just drives me mad. And you can't just pay whatever price they say, because according to Yoruba people "it is not kingsway market" LOL

So far so good sha, i'm still on a "high"

The cooking every five hours is quite tasking though!!! I mean i was used to being served, now i have to do the serving plus put the food on tray sef. Thankfully he carries his plate to the kitchen sha (trust me that's a big job for many men to do) ;)

This week i successfully cooked ogbono soup and hussie said it was fantastic(common Afro wipe that silly grin off your face). The soup started out a disaster i must admit, it looked like banga soup at first and i had to toss out the whole pot and start afresh :D Next i'm gonna try WHITE SOUP!!!!

Quite thankful to God for bringing me this far. I believe and hope in Him to see me through it all.

My back really hurts gotta go now

Apparently this is my 100th post!!!!!!!!!

Cheers to me, myself and I.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008


.....missed you plenty plenty

So much to tell you!!!

I'll tell you as much as i can tonight before i return computer(na borrow i borrow am)

No worry before 2008 me sef go buy laptop and internet keep for house ;)

If you see as i position myself,just so oga will not wakeup and ask me what i am doing LOL

Anyway i really missed you...

lemme go and sniff what i've missed since all these days


 Happy new year! So many cobwebs here