Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Day 3

It's the third day and i'm actually beginning to "enjoy" this whole weight loss meme

My lunch yesterday was Fruit n Fibre cereal

and dinner (though i still had to eat late due to the amount of chores i had to complete) was small rice( ok yes i broke my committment) and plenty vegetables +fish. Had one piece of meat too sha

I guess next time i'll have the starchy food for lunch ;)

Today i have reduced the sausages from four to three :D and i had a scotch egg

For lunch ( to make everyone happy) i am having beans and plantain

For dinner i propose to have custard.

But then man proposes and God disposes LOL

Yesterday for exercise i walked uphill to my office car park which is like a few buildings away and ON TOP of a three/four storey building.

i was gasping by the time i reached my motor sef :D

Today i hope to be home early so i can at least skip!!!!!!

Keeping my fingers crossed sha.

Did i mention that my start off weight is 84kg and i'm headed to 70kg.

which i suppose should give me an ideal BMI of below 25?


Anonymous said...

Go gal!!! you can do it...all the best and stay focused!!!

Fluffycutething said...

@NoLimit- That's quite encouraging... thanks sweetie

Roc said...

They say the hard part is always the beginning.. That and eating smaller portions at each meal..
Not like I've ever tried though.. :)

All the best!

QMoney said...

how long is our target for this project?

Fluffycutething said...

@RocNaija- I guess that would be because one is adjusting to the changes and stuff!!!
Thanks sweetie

@QMoney- It's a 21 day challenge... even if i don't reach my desired weight level the idea is to have established a lifestyle of exercise and healthy eating :)

SHE said...

Good start. I suggest you cut out the plantains and have only one sausage.
You can also consider Weetabix for breakfast.
All the best!

Caelestis Angelus! said...

Are you serious? Im proud of yah, keep to it and you will not be dissappointed. Try not to eat late, whatever it takes and custard for dinner, that will make you add weight except you are working alittle after that. Keep the focus girl

doll (retired blogger) said...

hmm..gwhere tere is a wil there is always a way

Mojisola said...

Infact, I am inspired.

Vera Ezimora said...

Babe, this your weight loss kini is making me wanna do it too oh. This morning sef, I felt like eating a cheese danish from Sara Lee, but I remembered that FluffyCuteThing was dieting, so I managed to not buy one. I'm still craving it badly though.


Jay said...

you're doing very should try and drink more water too..sometimes thrist is mistaken for hunger.

u may have to leave those susages alone oo..i know its hard but think of how foineee u'll look without them :)

Anonymous said...

lol. ditch the sausages ......

Afrobabe said...

Story....3 susages and you are still talking, ur mates are surviving on cucumber and water to keep their husbands at home...
will join you in the diet thingy so will have my eba this morning...

Fluffycutething said...

@SHE-Hmmm that'll be tough but i'll try it sha

@Caelestis- thanks love. I opted for cereal for dinner eventually and did some chores after to kinda burn it off...

@Doll & Moji- babes tis not an easy road to walk but with u all at my back, i'll get that desired figure ;)

@Vera- Hope you didn't eventually cave into that thing oh? Don't worry we will win this battle of the bulge LOL

@Wordmerchant& weightloss diva- i'm proud to let you know i didn't have any sausages today!!!!

@ Afrobabe- Will you send me some cucumbers from the abroad? i'm quite certain they'll taster nicer.LOL funny now that u mention them i remember they're some that have been in my fridge SINCEEEEEEE wonder if they'll still be good?????

Hope you enjoyed your eba???? because that's gonna be the last one for a lONG LONG time sweetie ;)


 Happy new year! So many cobwebs here