Sunday, 17 June 2007

I did something shameful today....

For some stupid reason perhaps i was possessed or temporarily insane

I gave myself to someone i'm not dating

Bad thing is I didn't even enjoy it....

I feel like a worm right now

How could i have condesended so low???????

I need to see a therapist asap....


Ubong Da said...

eeya if only u enjoyed it.

Ubong Da said...

what did he do wrong. did he go down on you,? was he in a hurry? or was he not properly sized for the job?

Fluffycutething said...

It was a combination of it all...

He just couldn't get the job done(LOL)

Anonymous said...

lol isha happens..

ozaveshe said...

true. it happens...
add it to your list of Forgivable Mistakes.

Fluffycutething said...

@it is - truly it is what happens (lol)

@ ozaveshe- i will when i finally stop berating myself. And the punk is actually trying to warm up for round two, been sending nice texts and trying to be nice to me... Loud hiss!!


 Happy new year! So many cobwebs here