Monday, 23 February 2015

These Monday meetings sef !

Sometimes i feel like i work in a government agency kai....

When i first joined this organisation, i watched with amusement as one particular HOD would call for meetings with his team daily to discuss the most random subjects. Eventually the fellow was sacked because it was discovered his output wasn't that much after all. While i'm not gloating i have always felt it was a waste of time to have physical gatherings on every official subject.

I mean this guy once called a meeting with his staff to discuss the fact that he had asked one of his team members to review a document i was working on. I didn't have the luxury of time for his extensive and unnecessarily long/bogus review of the document and sent it off to the customer who was expecting it. It was a generic document i just had to edit it and make minor changes. As such he called a meeting to discuss that.....

Imagine the sheer waste of time that could have been better used, even if just viewing Bella Naija LOL

Anyway since the fellow left the meetings have kinda reduced or rather sometimes take a less formal outlook. My MD would set up a committee to decide whether or not to buy laptops for staff. We would have several discussions just on a random subject which can be resolved via mail in my opinion....

Today like most Mondays we are in management meeting which could span the whole day!!!!! I get tired honestly.

The part that wears me out is when my boss starts asking one committee or the other to address certain issues this is a Management team of less than 15. Half the said committees constitute the same human beings who are in this Management team oh.

Now we want to make a decision and someone here is asking a committee to meet and revert with thier findings. Of course that delays the decision by another few days...

I wonder if anyone else is enjoying these meetings in thier own office?!

A friend of mine who also has many meetings like this at least gets doughnuts with the coffee and/or tea being served



Tomi O said...

Loool. wow! My monday meetings aint bad. I don't get doughnut though. Lol but we don't waste time either

chrisyinks said...

So I guess, setting up 'unproductive' committees and meetings isn't isolated to Jonathan's presidency alone.

Well, for me, when I can't escape such meetings, I go to such with a puzzle, a book or some other leisure activity that could be a better justified use of my time. I try also not to call meetings if such isn't going to be worth it. A minute wasted in a five-man committee is five minutes of people's life wasted. If management could learn the need for effective meetings and effective meetings alone.

LusciousRon said...

LOL! I have worked with such petty people before. I feel your pain. Just endure. Imagine having a meeting over the fact that someone used Oga's locked toilet, or that internet has finished and it is because people are browsing. When you ask twenty plus people to share 10GB internet for a whole month! Satan, get behind me! I got out. Just couldn't take it anymore.

sykik said...

I was once in a unit where w has meetings daily as I morning and evening. I thought I would grow grey hair faster than my parents God carry me commot for the department

Fluffycutething said...

@ Akibo- Before i was promoted* to join in these meetings i actually thought they discussed concrete stuff because of the long hours they would spend! Imagine my shock when i realised that half the items discussed weren't even documented talk less of implemented!!!!! I joined and was then appointed *secretary* sighs

@ The committee thing must be a Nigerian factor after all LOL i find many of colleagues apparently take their laptops and spend the time on facebook etc etc. I can't because i have to take the minutes...... jeez

Fluffycutething said...

@LusciousRon- The things discussed at these meetings are amazing.... i have quite a hard time documenting sometimes! My MD remarks alone are in a class of thier own... all manner of analysis! We had a meeting once when someone ate the MD's fish or was it meat now LOL

@ Sykik- Thank God you survived those *days*

Parakeet said...

So with you on the whole meeting thing. Most of them are not prodcutive and just designed to make some people feel important. Thankfully I only have one compulsory meeting a week where I work. Suits me fine.

ibiluv said...

my boss says if its more than an hour

its no longer productive

from experience-I've found informal chats are a lot more productive that meetings

speak to the subject matter expert and dats dat

Mojisola said...

I Used to hate meetings back then, especially when I had things to do.

NoLimit said...

lol @doughnut being served! Maybe the MD should set up committee on stomach infrastructure for the meetings! Very important.

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