Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Thoughts in my head
At what point do you know this?
When before you’re like “yikes” not today!!!
When during you can’t wait for it to be over?
When afterwards all you have to discuss is Nepa and the state of the nation?
Thursday, 10 December 2009
How I nearly lost my gullet today….
I stroll to the water dispenser
There’s some boy there “fetching” water
Now he’s not extraordinary looking or anything like that oh…
And I see him around anyway.
Anyway (again LOL) the ogbeni smiles at me
I no come know whether na confusion or devil just wan cause me problem
Na so I fetch water for myself too oh, from the pink tap side…
I also feel a need to drink the water right there…
Thank God say na sip I sip no be gulp
I saw/felt/heard my gullet/throat turn pink!!!!!!!!!!!
Na that boy smile wan cause me problem….
In this my old age
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Just sitting here.....
Tis indeed the season to be jolly.
I'm kinda happy today...
I've just ordered a Christmas tree and I’m gonna buy "Ina Olorun" LOL for my son and myself today....
It's some Christmas thing/accessory/toy/… that you light up which burns for a few seconds before it fizzles out.... I think most people who grew up in Naija will have an idea of what I’m talking about :)
I've never known what the real name is!!!! LOL
Thank God knock out/bangers have been banned in Lagos. They’ve always petrified me!!!!
I think I will also attempt to bake cookies/brownies this Christmas…. Wish me luck people!!!
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Embarassing moment!!!
She told another aunt of mine that “fluffy is in the family way you know”
I don’t know which embarrassed me more the fact that fluffy “is indeed in the family way” or the expression “in the family way”!!!
Na wa.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
It's not always rosy!!!
I got to rest and at least i spent some time with my little boy...
Who by the way can how hiss :D
He was beating my neighbor the other day(they’re always fighting) and she hissed at him... He looked at her so sternly (particularly at her mouth) and made a clucking sound with his tongue...LOL
You need to have heard how we laughed at him…
The yeye boy: D
That’s the only thing that seems stable in my world right now…
There’s been a lot of talk on blogsville and by some strange coincidence about “what you’ll do if you husband’s cheating etc” I have been very opinionated about the matter. I keep going on and on about not tolerating nonsense from any man etc etc Funny that right now I find myself somewhat confronted with this and have not the foggiest idea what to do or how to deal with the situation!!!!!!!!!!!
Not like I’ve actually caught him in the act or something but definitely there’s something fishy and funny going down…
I just feel helpless!!!!!!!!!!
I ran into a friend of mine over the weekend, we did some catching up and she mentioned that she was seeing a married man.
All I said to her was “as long as you both are happy”
But deep in my heart I knew it was wrong and I shouldn’t have supported the whole idea….
But again I felt helpless!!!!!
My suspicions are causing me grief and talking them over really hasn’t helped!!! He just couldn’t be bothered to prove my suspicions unnecessary or otherwise…
Feel so frustrated and of course that just makes me turn to food…
It’s seems to be a vicious cycle...
Hope I get out of it soon!!!
Friday, 21 August 2009
Just ranting!!!
Don’t know why I decided to clean or rather just stick the thing in, in the middle of the night!!!
I poured in water and oil trying to get it out and of course it went in deeper LOL
It was most uncomfortable I tell you…
Ended up in hospital sef…
But at least they got it out.
I surely won’t be cleaning my ears for a few days :D
Ayobami can now clap his hands, plus bite, plus eye people…
Yep eye people…
He just starts batting his eyes furiously like there’s something in it…
Took me a few days to realize that was what he was doing LOL
These are some of the "hazards" of starting school i guess LWKMD
As for the biting it’s deadly I can assure you. He pretends like he’s about to hug/kiss you and of course digs his teeth in and then if you shout…
Starts to cry LOL
Yeye man.
What a week this has been, got a congratulatory message from HR on spending 7years at my place of work….
And to think I wondered how my mum and her colleagues spent 35years working at the same organization…
Na so e kuku sey start...
Time to move oh!!!!
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
I'm a big boy now!!!
Anyway the young man is now all so grown up!!!
Yesterday he discovered the “joys” of sipping juice from a straw… normally we’d use his sippy cup but I just gave it a try and what a sight it was…
My whole chivita was gulped down fast…
Woulda put up a picture but he was holding my hand so tight I couldn’t reach for a camera, and of course in his excitement he was rushing the juice till he started choking and then he threw up ALL the juice
Better luck next time eh?
We can also now climb down from the bed oh!!!
God is truly amazing. That Ayobami can process climbing down from the bed himself????
It’s a sight you need to experience.
First he starts off humming(this is the amusing part, what nonsense is he humming LOL) then he spins so his legs are facing the edge and he keeps sliding and sliding till he’s standing at the edge of the bed!!!!!!!
I mean who taught him these things??????
We’re trying to stand ourselves as well and occasionally he just takes his hand off whatever’s supporting him for a millisecond and he grabs it RIGHT back….
Kai my baby had grown oh!!!
Did I mention he’s started day care? Our nanny quit on us oh so we’re in school now!!!!
He’s the smallest in school and so far so good sha, there have been no mishaps. He’s settling on fine but seems to be the chatterbox in class…
He’s really taking after aunty Afro in that aspect ;)
Anyway I’m just an excited mummy today!!!!
Monday, 27 July 2009
Weekend matters...
E ma gba mi oh.
On Friday night Ayobami totally refused to sleep, actually I allowed him doze off by about 7pm and of course he woke up at midnight HUNGRY!!!
So he ate and of course was most energized LOL
There he was all over the room, bed he was just everywhere.
Anyway moi and Mr. one way or the other got tired and dozed off…
I remember waking up at some point and was shocked to see the young man Ayobami standing next to me…
That wasn’t even the problem
He was sticking his tongue out and believe it or not was happily licking the mosquito net!!!!!!!!!
If you see how I grabbed him and backed him till the bugger dozed off….
I don’t know whether in his father’s village dem dey chop mosquito net LOL
My son got some new sleep suits from aunty Afro…
She’s turning out to be quite a good godmother
Even though the sleep suits were PINK sha J.
But he looks cute in them all the same LOL
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
AIrplane seats
I walked into a hospital today and at the reception they had ...
wait for it
(i'm copying bumight) hehehehehe
Airplane seats like these ones as seats...
I nearly laugh die...
Were it not rude i'd have taked pictures sincerely!!!!!!!
All sorts in this Lagos sef...
I also saw an old school mate of mine...
She pretended not to see/recognise me
Me sef no bother
But i remember running into once many years ago
she rushed to say hello to me
Her cousin whom she came to see was not available
In short she had no transport money to return to whence she came from...
I assisted her that day....
Amazing how she never even said thanks/showed appreciation after that day
And then today,
She didn't even see me!!!!!!!
Friday, 3 July 2009
Issues of life....
I'm having challenges keeping the exterior clean,
Lagos roads are a mess...
Muddy waters everywhere
How do people in Lag without drivers/mai guards keep their vehicles clean?
I get home kinda late so cannot visit car wash(es?)
My weight loss is progressing well..
I'm keeping a food diary and i've lost 2kg already :)
I try to exercise seriously now.... long walks and the likes...
Found myself panting after climibing stairs the other day and realised that was certainly not the way to go...
Smallie too is now a big boy.
He drinks from "sippy" (i love that word) cups now and we have even started sitting(but not necessarily using) our potty LOL
Na wa ...
They grow so fast!!!
Please note that i AM NOT PREGNANT at this time... depsite my earlier suspicions
Mr would have returned me to my parents should that have been the case LWKM
Looking forward to the weekend...
Going for a 10 year old party, and i'm excited imagine??????
I've become such a bore now....
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Master toilet
Emergency people
I mean my poor son can't even walk yet!!!!!!!!!
I threw up earlier today which is most unusual, my tummy's been hurting too like the first time i got pregs!!!!!!!!!!
Chai what the frig am i gonna do!!!!!!!!!
Friday, 12 June 2009
"no rice" day 5
i managed to only get to Day 4 L
I do feel less bulky sha
and i must say even though my weight hasn't dropped (according to the scales) i have lost weight :D
This is like a mind over matter thing biko
My colleague just yabbed me sef that all i seem to eat is rice...
But really what else can one really eat around here????????
i cannot kuku bring eba to work. abi?
This weekend i'm gonna detoxify myself with honey and efirin(do not know the English name but it's called scented leaf i believe)
Maybe i'll just drink it tonight sef...
with bitter leaf juice :D ... chai the things we do to stay healthy
my baby has catarrh
I was "forced" to suck it from his nose!!!!!
The joys of being a mum abi? i hear there's some instrument for doing that but seeing as i don't have this apparatus i had to improvise or do as my mum did....
Looking forward to this weekend like anything...
Spending the whole time at an aunt's. I'll be pampered for a change ;)
Kai what a long week this has been!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
No rice... Day 2
i woke up feeling lighter and in fact squeezed into an old top of mine but alas i strolled into the office and everyone went agog and kept calling me FAT!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL they should not worry very soon they'll eat their words...
I ate moin moin today it was quite nice and even though i've been thinking of food all day i've managed not to throw anything into my mouth...
I think i like my doctor...;)
i saw him earlier today and was just grinning from ear to ear. Infact my greetings were stuttered.
what in blazes is wrong with me... LOL
May Mr not catch me!!!!!
Today's been mostly dry... nothing out of the ordinary has happened.
The car dealer called though, he says i might be getting a black car.
Woulda preferred another colour though, but hey it'll just have to do ;)
Monday, 8 June 2009
No rice .... Day 1
So far so good
I feel all the fat coming off already ;)
Though i gobbled up loads of rice last night, just to sustain myself sha ;)
Kai the weight must go after all this suffering oh.
i think in my former life i musta been a rice weevil because that's my staple diet!!!!!!!!
Rice, rice and more rice:)
and in addition to losing weight i wanna discover the other Nigerian or even foreign foods that exist...
I need suggestions/ ideas people ;)
I tried today oh, i went to Ghana high and i didn't buy rice. I actually bought beans and dodo
though the beans tasted yucky sha but i ate it all the same.
Hope i won't lose all the weight and husband will nack me another belle immediately oh
anyway no comments...
The young man Ayobami is finally moving in his walker now, though only backwards but he's sha moving sha..
Before he'd sit in it and just cry and cry... LOL
My week has started off quite nicely
I did some "home improvement" over the weekend. I even bought a cactus plant for my balcony.
what i really wanted was a puppy but my landlord won't allow... so the cactus is my pet for now ;0
My only prayer is that it won't die before next weekend when i'll have time to water to it...LOL
I'm off to finish off my beans and dodo....
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Randoms(as usual LOL)
Hope this one goes through sef..
Smallie started crawling oh, i almost burst into tears when he did.
Husband of course ruined the moment by shouting that can't i see the boy heading for wire that i'm standing there doing/saying "he's crawling, he's crawling"
Oh well....
men and their ***issues***
Is it just me or how come i'm suddenly more tolerant and loving towards my hussie?
Just happens that at this time he has just deposited for my motor :D
Women are materialistic huh?
or maybe it's just wives??????? LOL
I find that since there has been talk about this car i have of my own volition decided to step up my wifely skills just to make Mr continously happy *** ahem***
Anyway life has been good, we got a new boss.
He's a fine young Arab!!! Dresses sharp but English? no comments my good people.
I'm trying to revamp my home...
Barely did up the place since i married and had the baby etc etc
I need ideas please!!!!
For one, i have been sifting through my wedding presents and trying to get rid of junk in my kitchen. Is it compulsory to have matching mugs and plates?
Next week in a bid to lose some more weight( i dropped off the bandwagon people, now i'm serious about it LOL)
anyway in a bid to shed this now famous weight, next week i'm not going to eat any RICE!!!!!!!!!! or drink any COKE!!!!!!!
So help me GOD~!!!!!!!
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
This yeye blogger something is just refusing to publish it!!!!!
It doesn't even save so i have to keep typing over and over again...
Loud hiss!!!!!!!!

That's us loving ourselves :D
I caught Ayobami playing with his peepee the other day
Told him to "come on stop that" and he started giggling
The bugger
Hope he doesn't turn it into a habit oh LOL
What a week last week was, we spent the whole time in hospital... Smallie had malaria and a viral infection...
I learnt that sleeping on a "student mattress" with an infant is not fun i can assure you...
I also learnt how silly footbal can turn men into!!!!
Our room mate's daddy was watching a match...
Chelsea and Barcelona i believe
I even took his son off him so he won't kick the boy from all the excitement
all i know is one minute he was VEEERRRY happy
Next thing the room went silent
I saw tears as in water well up in Daddy's eyes
I thought it was a joke....
Water in the eyes ke??????????
Because of football????????
O ma ga oh...
Apparently Chelsea lost at the last minute hence the tears....
And they say WE are the emotional ones!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Random wonderings
Alas i've forgotten what it is LOL
However i was wondering why folks (around here especially)start sentences with "sorry oh" do you bla bla bla or "sorry oh" please can you bla bla bla
Must be the same reason people ask you to "dress" when they want you to scooch(move) over.
I just wonder sha
I'm missing my son, been gazing at his pictures all day...
we haven't been spending so much time together his grandma is around so i try to share him and not cling to him too much when i'm home.**Can't wait for their visit to be over*** so we can resume our love ;)...
Heard the boy whining in his sleep last night, he must've been hungry and of course i was FAST ASLEEP
Managed to feed him with my eyes and his of course still closed...
Must every mum with an infant ALWAYS be sleep deprived??????????
It's been quite a week(already abi)
I'm ... deprived as well.
i feel like i'm malfunctioning....
Kai what the heck have i just typed LOL
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
What is your occupation??????
For some people it was even
LOL etc etc
But you see these days when i'm filling a form and i have to fill in occupation i just quietly write "Telecomms" but really really that is not an occupation now.
So you now what is your occupation???????
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Escalators and other matters!!!!!
The place is quite fine, quite a far far cry from the former local airport.
Infact see the name sef "local airport"
Anyway this MM2 is really really cool not totally like Heathrow or JFK but well on the way to being there..
Even the toilets
Anyway i hopped on the escalator in my heels and immediately
Remembered ....
The first time after a long time i hopped on an esclalator!!!!
In this Lagos for that matter...
I have vague memories of getting on them at the kingsway or Bhojsons stores downtown Lagos
But those stores had long closed down so of course no escalator rides for me until this particular day...
I went to see some toaster of mine, in fact in my mind we were dating but apparently he defined the association as something else(story for another day)
anyway i wore my bestest suit and bestest heels to go and see this fellow
Tis not easy to be seeing a banker now. Abi?
we sha reached the office some place in VI and he came out to meet me... we chat small and he says "ok come on in "
He hops on the escalator and for the life of me i'm clueless as to whether i'm supposed to get on immediately or wait for the "thing" to drop him and come back and pick me...
He is chatting on assuming i'm behind him!!!
As soon as i see him trying to turn and ask me a question(i think) i quickly hop on ...
Of course in my haste to avoid being "disgraced" yours truly drops her ID card and almost sliced my fingers in the process...
Then i'm holding the railings till the bugger says " Fluffy can you see that driver holding the railings??????? Bush woman"
So i let go and i'm praying in my heart that this 2 minute ride will soon come to an end.... at the top of the thing, i hop off and miss my step etc etc
God sha saved me, i no break teeth....
We talk for a bit and i need to take my leave (he's at work after all)
The ride downstairs was excrutiating.
Yours trulyt missed my step while getting on and was balancing precariously at the edge of the thing for most of the "journey"
I know at some point i felt something hook my shoe but fear no even gree me look down...
As we "disembarked" i thanked God for seeing me through and as i took a step forward i realised i had a
Chai the heel of my shoe na im break that time....
If the ground could have opened i for happily dive enter am.... LOL
By this time i don dey sweat...
"Darling" was still talking ,of course i heard nothing he said... I promptly limped to a wall (made sure he didn't notice) and stood like an idiot with my shoe(the broken one) touching the wall and kept making small talk and hoping darling would go away oh.
Darling no gree comot oh LOL
Then some chick i knew strolled by. ordinarily I would've walked to her to say hello, people i pammed against the wall till SHE came from her somewhat far distance to greet me oh!!!
Eventually sha, darling said he had to go and went away...
I watched him disappear on the evil esca.... wetin call before i turned and left ohh...
Kai the walk down the street was long, with those stupid okada laughing at me and saying all sorts of nonsense...
Worse still of course i had no money for cab and still had to take bus home with my LIMP
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Monday, 16 March 2009
Kidnap attempt
Friday, 13 March 2009
Impressive huh?
My blog that is ;)
My enemies were at it...
Internet access was taken off at work , luckily some oga "intervened" and here we are again today!!!
Nevertheless my weight loss battle has continued
Not as rigid as it shoulda been but i tried sha and i squeezed into my old size 12 trouser and top yesterday and today....
I'm still nervous about stepping onto a scale, i cannot bear the discouragement that comes with not having lost 5 kg over the past 2 weeks!!! LOL
I've been quite good though, haven't even had a soft drink for 2 weeks or more and late night eating is ALMOST eradicated.
This weekend i'm going to really really try to break my addiction to rice!!!!!!!!!
I "behaved" quite well during that party weekend oh. Didn't eat so much even though there was lots to eat!!
Been drinking more fluids though and haven't eaten sausage rolls for some time (i'm not saying more than that please) LOL
Squeezed my smallie into buba and sokoto this morning, he looked quite a sight, unfortunately he didn't stay still for a picture...
we'll try another photo session when we wear buba and sokoto next Friday ;)
Poor boy he'll be wondering why his mum is wearing him all these big big clothes LOL
what a week, spent most of it just sleeping and sleeping i tell you...
Need to go and see what's been happening be back soon
Friday, 6 March 2009
Can't say i wasn't warned actually!!!!
One of my well wishers who called had said i was "welcome' into the world of trying to bring out offering from your bag and instead pulling out a rattle or bib and i had quite a good laugh thinking "such errant nonsense"
I arrived work today and opened my bag only to find a BIB staring at me!!!!!!!!
Thank God i didn't even pull out the thing sef....
God knows how the thing even waka reach there sef LOL
Ah the "travails" of motherhood
Diet is going on rather SLOWLY
Yesterday i had 2 cups of tea and salad for breakfast
2 pepper soup bowls(qty wise) of vegetables and rice for lunch
and 2 small slices of yam and eggs for dinner
So far so good...
I'm always hungry now though!!!!!!!!!
This morning i've had one cup of milo for breakfast
and now i'm having bread and butter for lunch!!!!!!
It's a party weekend this weekend and i'm really hopeful that i'll be strong enough to WATCH and even AVOID eating unhealthy grubs etc. And stick to my smaller portions etc etc
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Day 3
My lunch yesterday was Fruit n Fibre cereal
and dinner (though i still had to eat late due to the amount of chores i had to complete) was small rice( ok yes i broke my committment) and plenty vegetables +fish. Had one piece of meat too sha
I guess next time i'll have the starchy food for lunch ;)
Today i have reduced the sausages from four to three :D and i had a scotch egg
For lunch ( to make everyone happy) i am having beans and plantain
For dinner i propose to have custard.
But then man proposes and God disposes LOL
Yesterday for exercise i walked uphill to my office car park which is like a few buildings away and ON TOP of a three/four storey building.
i was gasping by the time i reached my motor sef :D
Today i hope to be home early so i can at least skip!!!!!!
Keeping my fingers crossed sha.
Did i mention that my start off weight is 84kg and i'm headed to 70kg.
which i suppose should give me an ideal BMI of below 25?
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Gosh!!! You are fat!!!!!!
Sincerely i have grown "bigger"
And so i'm dieting and infact i'm doing a 21 days challenge of "healthy" eating and "rigourous" exercise
i started on Monday
So far i have been most UNSUCCESSFUL
Yesterday my meals were as follows
Breafast : 5 Bread rolls + akara
Lunch : Small rice + fish/ 2 puff puff(s)
Dinner: Rice and beef
Today so far,
Breakfast : 4 sausage rolls and 2 doughnuts
And i really wanna lose weight huh?
I have identified a major challenge to be my daily consumption of rice!!!
I eat it EVERYDAY.
So i have decided that i will not eat rice for the next THREE (3) days and see if some fat will be burned off
Another saboteur of my weight matter is that i eat late at night...
So now i have to look for grubs that will be healthy and i can eat for dinner
As for exercise ....
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Na wa
Kai the thing sweet oh!!!
I've spent most of today nursing a running stomach....
Must be my punishment for stealing out of my baby's grub LOL
He gave me another scare over the weekend
Saw some blood like stains in his diaper....
Rushed to doctor who calmly told me the boy just needs to drink more water.
Apparently his urine had become so concentrated it had crystalizz/ssed. Hence the stains in his "pampers" LOL
I have bought ribena to help US BOTH on this "increase fluid intake" challenge.
my weight seems to have come off a bit, i managed to squeeze into an old dress of mine for a wedding on Saturday. Fine my boobs were all still squeezed and all but alas, i was in the dress!!!!
What a day, i look quite hawt in my new white skirt today ;0
This is plus all the nodding off i've been doing on my desk all week.
My smallie now has a new habit of not sleeping from about 3am till dawn. Last night he was actually kicking me so i couldn't even ignore the bugger LOL
I'm striving towards achieving a complete home/work balance.
I haven't got a maid at the moment so i'm juggling being a maid/driver for myself plus worker.
I also function as cook and wife plus mom too.
Ko easy rara
Not sure what i'm typing anymore my eyes have started to close again
Good bye biko
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Friday, 6 February 2009
Do not plan bad bad things for your spouse!!!
He shouted at me. LOL
Throughout yesterday i refused to speak to him even though he made a miniscule effort at apologising...
(Don't know why men can't just say they are sorry!!!)
Anyway i thought of the perfect revenge and decided that...
I will make yam pottage for dinner
Knowing fully well that he DISLIKES yam
Especially when it is served for dinner(he believes it should only be eaten(worst case scenario) at/for breakfast.
I stopped off after work, to buy ugwu just for garnishing the pottage and to pretend i was making a special meal for him ;)
I got home quite exhausted, parked and carried baba kekere upstairs plus like four bags and our laundry etc etc only to realise the keys weren't in my bag.
Came back downstairs and searched the car frantically for another like half hour, still no key.
Finally was forced to call husband(whom i had refused to speak to all day) to see if he was on his way home etc etc
Meanwhile i sat in the car,praying mosquitoes wouldn't destroy my poor son's American skin ;)
My neighbour came back from work and moi plus baba kekere went to chill in her crib. We were there till like 10pm when hussie finally came.
He had been stuck in traffic.
Of course by this time, it was too late to start making any nonsense pottage and i was so "happy" to see Mr, that my revenge plans were immediately thwarted!!! :D
I made him eba and he cleaned his plate"happily"!!!
You won't believe i got to work this morning and looked in that cubicle(not the glove compartment) the one underneath the radio space and there was THE SAID MISSING KEY STARING AT ME!!!!!!
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
I'm in a real dilema!!!!!
I mean of all the words in the dictionary "bereaved" loun loun LOL
Anyway it then dawned on me that perhaps i really cannot keep the doggie anymore!!!
Story is that the doggie was given to me by my ex for christmas a few years back..
Alas i did not marry that ex(story of my life abi? ;) and the dilema is
1. My hussie does not really really like pets i.e dogs
2. We live in a house with other tenants who may or may not appreciate living with an animal
3. Were i to even insist on moving the doggie in, i would have to accomodate him on the balcony which just won't do
4. Our landlord has stated expressly and categorically that he does not like pets!!!!
5. My mum and other occupants of her house are not really really able to show the dog as much affection as i showed it, thus he is being neglected :(
6. I have a baby now and thus less free time
Not like i don't like sorry love the doggie anymore but there's just so little time to partake in "extra curricular activities" ;) these days.
So now i am thinking of SELLING the dog, i should make about 20-25000 bucks if i do.
That's quite some money if you ask me sha LOL
But i feel so wracked with guilt i just don't know what to do!!!!
Monday, 2 February 2009
But i just can't seem to find the words right now.
For a start i've resumed work and right now i'm really wishing i could resign and be a housewife!!!
Mehn i'm sleepy, and missing my long long hours in bed with my smallie so much!!!
Everyone's commnenting on my weight!! Trust people to rub in your sore points!!!
Na dem know jare :D
Lemme try and settle in be back soon :-*
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
This new year....
I’m back to my pregnancy weight!!!
Caught a glimpse of myself naked in the mirror and thought “ chei wetin be this”
My hips are A-line like all those market women and I have arms that actually vibrate when I stretch them out, Christian mother arms I think that’s what they’re called lol
My tummy at nine months didn’t even jut out like it’s looking now L
Got on the scale a few days later and alas I’m back to my weight as at the day I had my baby!!!!!!!
I really need help, I don’t even know where to start from to shed all this weight.
I have resumed aerobics class but that’s only on Saturday mornings, then I’ve kinda stopped having proper dinner I just try to stick with custard or pap.
The only exercise I get to do around the house is cleaning, cleaning, washing clothes, plates, scraping shaki, waiting on baby, serving daddy in the kitchen and the room ;) etc etc
I resume work in like 2 weeks and I need to resume looking like a chica ;)
God help me oh…
Happy new year! So many cobwebs here
Dear people, this individual still didn't get any sugar oh *sighs* we are thus hopeful that this holiday will provide an opportunity fo...
Happy new year! So many cobwebs here
Just in case you haven't notice I am not speaking to you…. Yep im vexing for you!!! Why you may ask? My people please help me ju...